Best Practices for Enterprise Mobile Security that Matter the Most

The proliferation of IT is at an all time-high, as personally owned devices featuring data and applications have seeped into the enterprise sector. But companies have always been wary of using personal mobile devices for storing corporate data. Enterprise mobile security is of tremendous importance in various areas as there are varied challenges of securing a multi-device environment.

Many respondents of recent surveys believe enterprises require better mobile security for access control, authentication, encryption, antimalware, mobile device management, app store restrictions and GPS tracking. Mobile app development companies are also opting for new and improved mobile security standards while developing mobile apps on a large scale.

Although the challenges of controlling multi-device environments are tough, most enterprises are keen to apply unique security policies for mobile platforms based on non-company issued devices.

Increase in Mobile Workforce

It is important to note that there has been a drastic increase in mobile workforce off late. Hence enterprises need to embrace best practices for dealing with attacks and limit exposure to unwanted access. Mobile device security should be mandatory since, with the increase in mobile contractors, who can access organizational systems, apps and data, protection of accessibility is of paramount importance.

Mobiles are essentially moving targets outside the company perimeter and devoid of firewalls, threat management detection, content filtering, along with other tools, a battery of best practices for enterprise mobile security is important.

Here are some best practices for enterprise mobile security that even include mobile app development processes and information security.

  • Mobile Devices Should include Antimalware Software: Mobile operating systems including the iOS and Android are huge targets for malware. All those accessing the web through the mobile device should install antimalware software so that their mobile gadget is secured. Those who carry their personal device and access enterprise systems at work need to tighten this security measure at the earliest.
  • Secure Mobile Communications: Most experts believe that mobile device communications should be encrypted to prevent easy interception and snooping on critical organisational calls. Security experts believe that mobile device communications need to use VPN for access that includes strong encryption, with ample scope for logging, management and user authentication for accessing applications, remote desktops or enterprise systems.
  • Require Strong Authentication with Password Controls: Many mobile devices today include several local security options including biometrics like facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, and the like. But most accounts are secured through a simple account and password. It is important that mobile devices should be used with multiple authentication forms. This makes it sure that possession of the gadget does not grant access to critical information and systems for any user.Likewise, users should use complex passwords to access mobile devices especially if they are accessing enterprise data through their device. The loss and exposure to hackers along with numerous failed login attempts should enable the device to wipe its internal storage completely clean. Most mobile device management systems have now introduced the capability and hence secured themselves from attacks and unauthenticated access to information.
  • Restricted Third-party Software Usage and Access: An ideal mobile app development company, using personal mobile devices for company tasks, need to limit or block third-party software usage and control in an efficient manner. One can thus prevent possible compromise and security breach from rogue software that can siphon information and deliver it right into the wrong hands.For BYOD to succeed, one should allow users to log into a remote virtual environment where the mobile device functions as the screen output only for applications and systems. Companies can implement various strict security policies that prevent download of files to mobile devices too.
  • Develop Secured Mobile Gateways: It is important to assess and know the access of systems and applications by mobile users and then proceed to direct mobile traffic through special gateways that include firewalls and stringent security controls along with content filtering and several data loss prevention tools. One can protect valuable assets by restricting access to mobile gateways itself.
  • Choose Secure Mobile Devices and Implement Mobile Security: Mobile devices should perfectly be configured to avoid all unsecured wireless networks and even access to Bluetooth features to prevent a transfer of information, and hence disabled. Prepare a mobile security plan for all mobile devices that are being used for work — and implement configurations that can secure the accessibility of the users.
  • Perform Mobile Security Audits on a Timely Basis: Companies and organizations should hire a reputed mobile security-testing firm to conduct penetration testing on all mobile devices used at workplaces. Such companies can mitigate issues they discover, and get the devices tested thoroughly of any malware or vulnerabilities that they might possess. Protect company information from any threats that can be present.


While mobile security has its own challenges, your mobile security infrastructure matters to your employees, assets and, even your business. Take appropriate steps right from mobile app development to mobile app usage to safeguard companies against data loss and eliminate risks too. Reap advantage of smart mobility only after setting a sound mobile security plan in motion. Exercise prudence, compliance and the afore-mentioned best practices for optimum mobile security for the enterprise.

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Juned Ghachi is the CEO of IndianAppDevelopers, a professional mobile app development company in India for full-cycle mobility solutions. Having 10+ years of experience in the digital marketing field, he excels at offering the best technical advice to clients.

Do you want to develop an app or website? Talk to Raza and get started!

Raza is a tech entrepreneur with an experience of working with 500+ clients. His key expertise is around tech consultation, where he guides people on how to successfully build digital softwares for their businesses.