The Most Far-Reaching Changes in Android Application Development

Since many years Android has become the dominant mobile operating system as it is running on various models of smartphones and tablets. Mobile Technology is growing at the speed of light and the apps have become an integral part of the digital ecosystem. Developers have to sort out their complex problems associated with building applications for Android OS. The demand for innovative apps has led to the development from all quarters. Businesses are developing innovative mobile apps to attract the target audience and with enterprise apps, even integrating their systems for access for mobile workers. This is necessary to keep the clients engaged and interested in business with the right set of eCommerce mobile apps that work.

With the growing demand, the ecosystem of Android has undergone many improvements to simplify and improve Android apps. Since then developers have tried to reduce the duration of the development lifecycles between ideation and launch. Many companies are looking forward to introduce solutions that cater to consumer’s requirement. The keep components that they need to understand are the rapid launches of the apps and the way to reach quickly to the market.

Some of the latest improvements of Android app development that has been implemented in due course are:

  • Android Studio has become the stable IDE as it has eased up the development process.
  • Gradle has replaced Apache Ant as the latest project automation tool as it offers automated features that divide apps into several categories, define external dependencies and sign with correct configurations.
  • Android Lollipop has been the best modification of Android OS till now and is known to envelop most of the operating systems within smartphones.
  • The Material design of Android UI has completely changed the look and feel of applications. It has completely adjusted to the Android ecosystem and have adapted to different screen sizes.
  • The engine named ART has become revolutionary because it uses ahead of time compilation, less CPU usage and less battery drain. It organizes the application in a way that it breaks byte-code in multiple files.

A lot has changed in the past few years for Android and it is powering many other devices. With latest advancements there is also scope for some changes in Android apps that can help to make ubiquitous presences which are mentioned below:

  • Cloud technology is expected to play a vital role in the Android app development. It will help developers to build functionality for different mobile devices with similar data and features.
  • Security will be crucial for applications protecting sensitive and confidential information. Developers have to take security issues like insecure data storage, unintended leakage of data, broken cryptography etc. seriously.
  • Beacon technology has already been adopted in iOS and is expected to follow in Android systems. One can get a list of last known locations tracked through beacons and help to determine dangerous zones as long as they are active in case of emergencies like fire.
  • Transferring money or purchasing goods using a mobile phone is becoming a common need. So we can expect some mobile apps that can process transactions without needing cash or any physical cards.
  • User experience will usher technology in the future. Hence, data analytics will play a vital role by helping app developers to bring improvements to the user experience.
  • Big enterprises will utilize mobile application development platforms for building mobile apps. Therefore, there will be a great opportunity to work on Android applications for the growing mobile enterprise market.
  • Mobile app advertisements and purchases will become a focal point for monetization. With the help of Android apps, new dimension of advertising will be introduced that will let marketers initiate promotions based on the precise location and context of a user.
  • Mobile applications built using hybrid frameworks can support multiple platforms and reach a larger user base with cheaper methods.

So today we have a plethora of new devices that are suitable for everyone budget and needs. It is a good idea to develop cross platform mobile apps in order to reach a larger audience. The user can freely make changes on how he wants the OS to work. Developers are bound to stretch the boundaries of creativity as the development of app has become an integral part of mobile gadgets. There is no doubt that Android app development will continue to grow and evolve quite impressively.

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Juned Ghachi is the CEO of IndianAppDevelopers, a professional mobile app development company in India for full-cycle mobility solutions. Having 10+ years of experience in the digital marketing field, he excels at offering the best technical advice to clients.

Do you want to develop an app or website? Talk to Raza and get started!

Raza is a tech entrepreneur with an experience of working with 500+ clients. His key expertise is around tech consultation, where he guides people on how to successfully build digital softwares for their businesses.