Must Have Qualities of Successful Remote Software Developers

After the pandemic hit the regular course of life in most parts of the world, most companies started sending their employees to work from home. Workplaces were closed, and regular commutes to workplaces just became extinct. This scenario stretched for a whole year or more with some relaxation of regulations and measures.

Though hiring a remote developer team was always popular to get onboard most skilled developers worldwide, this remote hiring became the default norm for the software projects, particularly during the pandemic-hit period. We are already aware of several key advantages of hiring remote software developers for software and mobile app projects. Now, as remote hiring became a large-scale phenomenon leaving behind in-house hiring, quality concerns for the recruiters grew substantially.

As remote hiring grows in importance and impact, recruiters now focus on qualitative considerations more than ever before. This is why it is essential to focus on key qualities when a project ventures to hire app programmers remotely. Throughout this blog post, we will explain some of the unmistakable qualities of remote software developers that recruiters should concentrate upon.

A Cool Analytical Brain to Plan and Organize

When working from the comfort of their homes, most developers are just left alone to deal with an app project’s responsibilities, starting from the initial planning to organizing everything neatly to deliver the intended output in a streamlined manner. This requires a cool and analytical brain to make a plan and organize everything most meticulously.

Planning and organizing are not just important for ensuring successful development. Still, it is also important to maintain a disciplined work process by accommodating time slots for every task and personal priorities properly.

If you hire MEAN stack developers to build a software app from start to finish, make sure they organize all the tasks for frontend, backend and database queries.

This helps developers work from the comfort of their homes to stay on track and keep the project going smoothly. It is essential to evaluate how the developers plan and organize their tasks as per priority.

Command Over Technical Aspects

If you need a flutter developer, you will evaluate the flutter expertise first when hiring remotely. But apart from evaluating this core expertise and skill, you need to evaluate several other technical skills. Checking the command over technical aspects particularly becomes important when hiring full stack developers. Generally, these developers handle the projects from start to finish covering both frontend and backend development responsibilities.

Full-stack developers often need to take care of the UI/UX design and prototyping of the project in collaboration with the design team. So, evaluating all these technical skills is essential for remote hiring. Many app projects rely on the developers for long term support and maintenance as well. Another important aspect of evaluating is how well the developers are versed in updating.

Team Spirit

Software development is a team job, and hence developers who align with the team well are more likely to give their best for a software development project. These days, the app developers need to collaborate closely with the UI/UX design team, content creators, QA testers, and the marketing team.

So, the personality of the developer should be tuned well to work with the development team. On top of that, the developers should be versed in pair programming, collaborative coding and other ways to collaborate in building a successful software product.

Result-Driven Approach

When hiring remote developers, generally, the project manager or the in-house technical team do not go into micromanagement of the remote developers and their day to day tasks. It is rather advisable to focus on tracking the results that they are expected to deliver. On the other hand, the developers should also be versed in this result-driven approach.

It has been observed that successful remote teams are hardly called for their actual logged hours. Instead, they are mostly tracked for the outcomes they produce. You need to evaluate this when hiring the remote developers’ team. Check whether they follow the practice of driving results instead of just stating logged-in.

Receptivity to Feedback

Another crucial consideration in the remote hiring process is how receptive the developers are to feedback from their employers or clients, or other team members. Since software development is mostly a collaborative kind of work, the developers need to positively take feedback from the team members or clients and address them with their inputs.

It has been observed that the developers with a successful track record are generally open-minded to listen to and incorporate the feedback into their work more frequently. Since feedback always helps them deliver better work quality, being receptive to feedback is extremely important for quality output.

Open-Minded Craving for Learning and Experimenting

App developers are far from just people with repetitive tasks to complete. They put their technical skills and abilities to create something different and unique. Hence, they need to be open-minded to try new things and crave learning new skills for their app projects.

These days, remote app developers are often seen as harbingers of new perspectives in an app project otherwise appearing to be too commonplace. When hiring a remote team of developers, you must judge how they are disposed to creative brainstorming and trying new things instead of just filling the blanks with the same old stuff.

Problem Solving Skills

Successful app developers can understand the problem that needs to be addressed more quickly. They can also come up with out-of-the-box solutions to solve a problem with ease. Since remote developers sometimes may need to wait half a day before getting a chance to consult the remote project manager or the technical team, they need to depend on their own problem-solving abilities more than anything else.

When hiring the remote team, it is always advisable to test their problem-solving abilities and aptitude with some simple scorching questions related to practical user contexts of the software they have already built. You can also rely on the common aptitude tests to understand how they approach a problem and try to solve it. In the context of software app development, the aptitude generally sharpens over time with actual project exposure and experience.

How the Developers Manage Time & Resources

Last but not least important area of evaluation is time and resource management. Since software app projects often suffer from resource constraints and the demand for faster time to market for competitive gains is always there, how professionally they reduce the development time and resources can be an essential factor.

Does the remote team have a track record of adhering to the project deadlines and milestones? It is something you need to check with their previous clients. The next important thing is to understand their work process and what are the time management tools they use? Lastly, it is always important to evaluate their rate against the development output they are capable of delivering.

Wrapping Up

There are, of course, other parameters and aspects that remote hiring should pass through. But here in this post, we mostly focused on the soft skills of the developers that make them good team members, a developer with creative output and a developer with a greater commitment to exceptional output within a limited budget and time.

Want to hire a remote developer? Look no further. IndianAppDevelopers has dedicated teams of trained app developers for your business project. Hire remote developers India today!

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Written by
Juned Ghachi is the CEO of IndianAppDevelopers, a professional mobile app development company in India for full-cycle mobility solutions. Having 10+ years of experience in the digital marketing field, he excels at offering the best technical advice to clients.

Do you want to develop an app or website? Talk to Raza and get started!

Raza is a tech entrepreneur with an experience of working with 500+ clients. His key expertise is around tech consultation, where he guides people on how to successfully build digital softwares for their businesses.